Mailing List / Contact Form

Add a contact us / mailing list signup form to any page

Mailing List / Contact Us

You can easily add a contact us / mailing list signup form to any page, as follows

  1. create a container:
<div id="captina_mailing_list_signup_form" class="mailing-list"></div>
  1. include these files:
<script src="https://{your back-end domain}/lz_client/base.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://{your back-end domain}/lz_client/mailing_list_signup_widget.js"></script>
  1. optionally include this file if you want "pretty" error and success messages:
<script src="https://{your back-end domain}/lz_client/alert_dialogs.js"></script>
  1. set the parameters and trigger the creation of the form (the values are the defaults)
<script type="text/javascript">
   CaptinaMailingListDef = {
      table_or_div:          "table", // table | div
      display_mode:          "inline", // inline | popup
      contact_btn_label:     "[string]",
      signup_btn_label:      "[string]",
      success_url:           "[optional]",
      image_url:             "[url for image]",
      image_title:           "[string]",
      name_label:            "Name:",
      name_placeholder:      "Name \*",
      email_label:           "Email:",
      email_placeholder:     "Email Address \*",
      postal_field:          "show",
      postal_label:          "Zip:",
      postal_placeholder:    "Zip Code",
      postal_required:       false,
      phone_field:           "show",
      phone_label:           "Phone:",
      phone_placeholder:     "Phone",
      phone_required:        false,
      note_field:            "show",
      note_label:            "Note:",
      note_placeholder:      "Note",
      note_required:         false,
      contact_optin_field:   "show",
      contact_optin_label:   "join the mailing list",
      contact_optin_default: "checked",
      spambot_field:         "show",
      spambot_label:         "I'm a human",
      signup_field:          "show",
      signup_label:          "add me to your mailing list"

Parameter Notes

The table_or_div element is required. When set to "table", the mailing list form will be
constructed as an HTML table; if set to "div", the form will be built using divs.

  • ☞ In general, it is easier to style the elements with divs.

The display_mode element dictates how the form will be rendered. If set to "inline" or
omitted, then the form will be displayed on the page; if set to "popup", then the form
will be hidden, and buttons will be displayed for mailing-list signup and/or contact
actions, depending on whether the elements contact_btn_label and signup_btn_label are
present and populated. The contents of the form will vary depending on which button is
clicked; for example, the note field will be suppressed for mailing-list-signup requests.

  • ☞ We recommend using the popup model and placing the code in the footer, as the user will be able to join/contact without losing context.

  • ☞ If you are using the inline model, you should either show a signup form or a contact form; otherwise two forms will be displayed on the page. Just omit the associated button label (contact_btn_label or signup_btn_label) to suppress that form.

All fields are easily styled according to their id or class:

            table:               `#captina_mlsf_table`
            row container:       `.captina_mlsf_th`
            label fields:        `.captina_mlsf_label`
            input fields:        `.lz_textbox`
            textareas:           `.lz_textarea`
            signup:              `(see below)`
            spambot:             `(see below)`

The success_url element is optional. If present and populated, the browser will be
redirected to that url upon a successful completion of a signup.

The postal and phone fields are optional; if present, the "_required" element
dictates whether the user can skip them.

The note field is also optional; if populated the contents will be stored as a note in
the person's CRM in the database, and included in the notification email (see below).
Thus, the form serves double-duty as a "join mailing list" function as well as "contact

The image_url parameter is optional. If present, a div will be created (it will be the
first item in the overall form so that its placement can be readily controlled) with the
class name mlsf_image_wrapper, and the image will be placed inside it. The value of
image_url will be the src parameter of the image; image_title will be used for the title and alt parameters.

If a label element is blank, then no label will be created; if it is not present, then the
default label will be used.

If a placeholder element is blank, then there will be no placeholder; if it is not
present, then the default will be used.

If the submit_label element is present, the string associated with it will be used for the
action button; the default is "sign up";

If the signup_field element is missing, or checked, then the person will be added to the mailing
list; if it is present and unchecked, the person will not be added.

The optional contact_optin element only applies to Contact Us usage. It shows a checkbox
that a person submitting a question can use to join/opt-out of the mailing list.

  • ☞ We recommend that you include the spambot section; it uses as simple checkbox that has
    been proven effective against most spambots.


The pop-up will have the following layout:

<div class="captina_mailing_list_signup_form">
    <div class="captina_mlsf_wrapper mlsf_popup">
        <div class="mlsf_inner_wrapper">
            <div class="mlsf_image_wrapper">
            <div class="closeButtonX"></div>
            <div class="mlsf_form_wrapper">
                <div id="captina_mlsf_table">
                    <!-- form fields -->
                <span class="captina_mlsf_button_span">

All of these elements come pre-styled; you can add CSS to match your site's design. Final
styling is governed by the Site-wide plugin stylesheet found under
Administration->Stylesheets for Plugins.


If a submission is successful, an email will be sent to the person submitting the request.
That email will use parameters and elements specified on the Administration page.

The templates are found in Email Templates for Mailing list signup, and the subject line
found under Email Addressing.

The "from" address will be the Email Marketing from name/address (Email Addressing).

If the BCC flag for list-welcomes is set (Email Management), the welcome email will be
BCC'd to the BCC address for customer emails (Email Addressing).

Copyright Captina LLC Support: (707) 324-3123