Credit Cards

The credit card industry has very specific rules regarding the storage of credit card information. Naturally, CompleteDTC is 100% compliant.

However, this does pose challenges for importing credit card data!

There are two methods for bringing over credit card data for your customers (and, most importantly, your club members).


If you are coming from another system, it is likely that they will be using what's called a "token locker," which is a way of storing credit card information that keeps it completely secure but allows you (or CompleteDTC) to reference it using a unique identifier.

Assuming you are switching to Preferred Payments for your merchant service provider (highly recommended; we have negotiated rates with them that are typically quite a bit lower than what you've been paying), they will handle getting the token data from your current provider and work with us to import the tokens into our system.

Raw Data

If you have credit card information for your customers, we can import it and turn it into compliant, secure tokens.

The import process is quite straightforward, requiring the following pieces of information:

  • bill_email -- the customer's email address
  • cc_num_start -- the first 8 digits of the credit card number
  • cc_num_end -- the balance of the credit card number
  • cc_exp_mo -- the month number (1...12) of the expiration date
  • cc_exp_yr -- the four-digit expiration date year
  • cc_cvv -- the 3- or 4-digit code from the card
  • bill_postal -- the zip code of the billing address

All of the above fields are required.

You may download the template spreadsheet for importing credit card information HERE