Club Member Sign-in

Site-wide Club Member portal

Club Member Sign-in

There is a dedicated sign-in/sign-up plugin available, but we strongly recommend that you
use the site-wide approach, which you install in the site footer to create a login icon on
every page. The syntax is as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
   const ClubLoginPopupJSON = {
         myclub_slug:       "/my-club",
         trigger_div:       "clp_trigger_div",   // unique id; will be created
         email_placeholder: "your email",
         pwd_placeholder:   "password"
      // you may optionally add one (but not both) of the follwing
      const cp_club_signin_anchor_id = "{id}";
      const cp_club_signin_anchor_class = "{className}";
<script src="https://{your back-end domain}/lz_client/base.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://{your back-end domain}/lz_client/club_signin_widget.js"></script>

You can change the FontAwesome icon via the ClubLoginPopupJSON parameter fa_class (the
default is the outlined-user symbol far fa-user). You may also include parameters for
email_prompt and pwd_prompt if you want the pop-up login form to have field labels in
addition to the placeholders.

You can specify an element for the login icon via the variable cp_club_signin_anchor_id. Alternatively, you can specify a className for the login icon via the variable cp_club_signing_anchor_class (the icon will be attached to the first element in the DOM tree with that className).

If you specify neither, the icon will be attached to the document body.

Direct Access

You may also trigger the sign-in popup directly. For example, if you have a navigation section that uses <a href=... tags, you can cause the sign-in popup to open thusly:
<a href="#" onclick="login_openPopup();">log in</a>