Club Memberships

Before you import club membership information, you'll need to set up your different club types in CompleteDTC; you'll find the Club Manager under the More... menu.

Each club has a unique identifier, the club type id, which you will find to the right of the active toggle. In addition, each must have a unique name (names are not case-sensitive).

  • Be sure to take advantage of the ability to create "variants" for each club (for example, "red wine only", or "four bottle"), rather than creating separate clubs for each member of a club family. Each club type can have up to five variants, so you have plenty of flexibility!

Once you have your clubs set up, you can then use the club type id (and the variant number, if applicable) to assign people to clubs.

The fields we import are as follows:

  • bill_email -- the email address of the member
  • club_type_id -- the unique identifier for the club type
    • variant -- the variant, if applicable (the base variant is 0; others are numbered 1...4)
  • join_date -- the date the person joined the club (optional; if absent, then the import date will be used)
  • suspended -- if the membership is on hold, set this to 1; otherwise, 0
    • resume -- the date on which the membership will automatically resume (optional)
  • retired -- set to 1 if the person has retired from the club, but you still want a record of their prior membership
    • retired_date -- the date they retired (optional)
  • user_id -- the user_id of the salesperson associated with signing up the club member (0 if none, or unknown); you can pop up a map for user names to user_ids in Administration->System Users

You can download the club member import template HERE

CompleteDTC supports gift memberships (paid for by another person (who may also be a member in their own right). Those should be set up directly, after import.