Customer Data

For a direct-to-consumer business, customer data is obviously the core -- and accuracy matters! We strongly recommend that you take the time to review your customer data prior to importing it!

The fields we import are as follows:


  • bill_email -- (required; unique) the email address for the person
  • name_first -- the person's first name
  • name_last -- the person's last name
  • partner -- the name of the person's partner
  • salutation -- the preferred way to address them (for example, "William" might prefer to be addressed as "Bill"; "Lucinda and Stephan" might prefer "Lucy & Steve")
  • bill_dob -- the person's birthdate (in the form YYYY-MM-DD); this is very important for compliance, so if you aren't sure, leave it blank!
  • bill_addr1 -- the person's billing address, including street number
  • bill_addr2 -- additional information, such as company name or apartment number
  • bill_postal -- Zip or Zip+4
  • bill_city and bill_state
  • bill_phone -- 10-digit phone number, or formatted: (800) 555-1212
  • crm_note1 and crm_note2 -- (optional) inserts a note into the person's CRM; very useful for declaring where the data came from


  • ship_name -- the ship-to individual
  • ship_addr1, ship_addr2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_postal, ship_phone
  • ship_addr_type -- either residential (the default) or commercial
    • shipping charges are typically lower, and delivery success higher, for commercial addresses
  • ship_email -- optional; may be used to send tracking updates
  • if you have an alternate ship-to address (a summer home, for example), the field names are the same, but with a 2 appended: ship_name2
    • if so, set which_ship to ship or ship2 to reflect the current preference; it's easy for you or the person to change that setting
  • ship_method -- the person's preferred shipping method
    • options are pickup, ground, 3_day, 2_day, next_day
    • set to ground if not specified

You can find the template spreadsheet for importing customer data HERE